Mullet Hall – Recycled Glass Concrete Aggregate (Poraver)

One of the most exciting aspects of the Mullet Hall project is one that will never be seen once it is covered with insulation and finished. About 6/7 of the fine aggregate (sand) in the wall concrete was replaced with Poraver recycled glass beads. This accomplished a few goals: Increased recycled content, reducing sand use. […]
Perfect Solutions and the Pretty Good House

Like most architects, I am susceptible to believing two things: That a perfect solution to a design problem has yet to be discovered, and If I think enough about said design problem, I can discover a previously undiscovered solution to it. As I have researched the various possibilities for wall assemblies at Mullet Hall, I […]
Wall Sketches

Another day of intense wall research and discussion, and we are back to the 2×6 Advanced Frame Wall Construction with Mineral Fiber Insulation (AFWCMFI Wall), with a total R of 47, and a modified version using TJIs on the roof for an R70 roof. There is some wiggle room there with the R values, and […]
Yet-to-be-named Passive House

We have begun schematic design work on a yet-to-be-named Passive House in the Hudson Valley. The many homes that we have drawn inspiration from, including the Wolfe Island Passive House, all seem to have creative names. So far, this house has no name, but we have been diligently working on both the landscape design and […]