Newburgh Historical Structural Renovation

The historic renovation in Newburgh is progressing well, with structural reinforcements in place and the overall structure sound.
Garage Accessory Apartment Progress

This garage accessory apartment (which replaced an existing, crumbling garage) was designed to fit seamlessly with the existing house. By simulating a gambrel roof with dormers on a conventional gable frame, the client/contractor saved considerable time and money while creating a project which seamlessly fits with the landscape. See this previous post to see prious […]
A Celebration Of Ecological Systems In Architecture

[THIS ARTICLE WAS FIRST PUBLISHED IN 2006] WATER-BASED TECHNOLOGIES BEAUTIFY A NEW MEXICAN RESORT BY ETHAN TIMM EL MONTE SAGRADO RESORT IN TAOS, N.M., exemplifies a comprehensive ecological design solution for a high-desert development, combining traditional architectural techniques and hydrologically appropriate water systems. Water conservation has a long and beautiful history in the desert Southwest. In keeping with this tradition, water-based eco-technologies were employed […]
Accessory Dwelling Unit Progress

The Wakefield Accessory Dwelling Unit and Garage is well underway this winter, despite the snow. Underslab insulation in installed, slab with radiant floor is poured, structure for cantilever deck is built, and walls prepared for spray-foam insulation. This will be a small accessory dwelling unit in the heart of Wakefield, RI… walking distance to town and adjascent to South […]