Modern High-Performance Chicken Coop under construction

Posted on Aug 14, 2020

As the world shut down in late Spring 2020, we turned our attention to creating a modern high-performance chicken coop.

I used site-collected black locust posts as the foundation, conventionally framed superstructure using advanced-framing techniques (2′ on center with door/window openings defined by framing module), and passive-style air sealing techniques at floor, sill, walls, windows, and roof.

While it might seem silly to use such intensive air sealing techniques on this cool (it is) a side benefit of this is to be able to ensure that most holes through the envelope are sealed while ensuring adequate ventilation through the open windows.

Design inspiration came from Storey’s Guide to Raising Chickens (purchased at our wonderful local bookstore, Split Rock Books) as well as a myriad of posts at

See the project page for final and project update photos.

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