Land Development and Trees
As a self-proclaimed treehugger, it is certainly with some trepidation that I reach my arms around trees in order to tag them for removal. But what I have learned from my partner, the Landscape Architect Erin Muir, is that, if undertaken with care and integrity, the removal of some plants can be justified in order […]
Newburgh Historical Structural Renovation
The historic renovation in Newburgh is progressing well, with structural reinforcements in place and the overall structure sound.
Historical New York Newspapers
Fulton Postcards is a quirky website that contains a searchable repository of historic newspapers published in New York State between 1795 and 2007. This collection is frequently updated and also includes a handful of U.S. newspapers outside of New York State.
Main Street Cold Spring, 1867
This map, from the atlas New York and its Vicinity 1867 published by F. W. Beers, A. D. Ellis & G. C. Soulle in 1867, is a useful resource to determine land use and building ownership from the 19th century in Cold Spring and Nelsonville. This copy is available for purchase online at Historic Mapworks. […]