Cultivating Resilience through Work That Reconnects

March 5th – April 16th, 2024
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Please join me for this workshop series! This is the fourth time I am offering this workshop here in Cold Spring, NY. It is hard to describe the value of having a chance to connect once a week with other people who are also carving out space for this Work. If you are interested you just need to show up and be open and willing to participate in group discussion.
For over 20 years I have been focusing my energy on understanding how the dominant culture has related to and treated the earth and the landscape. There are two overarching feelings that arise for me in this long learning. One is complete awe and wonder at the intelligence of life on earth. We do not learn more about plants, fungi, soil and animals and discover that they are less intelligent and miraculous than we thought. The second feeling is one of deep sadness about how we have separated from, dominated, and forgotten that we are part of that nature. This work helps me remember.
Practicing Joanna Macy’s Work that Reconnects is good medicine and we can’t do it alone. It is nourishing and helpful to be together as we navigate the complexities of being alive at this moment in time.
Work That Reconnects has been practiced all over the world for over 40 years. It provides a framework and language for practicing a story of interconnection. This Work roots in gratitude and honors that the empathy we feel is important. The suffering of humans and the earth is not separate.
This workshop series gives us the opportunity to tend to ourselves and begin to remember our mutual belonging to the earth and to each other. With our own remembering we can offer that to our communities and to our children.
Testimonials from past participants:
“Erin was an incredible facilitator, and inspired me not just on the days we met, but also to carry a newfound sense of responsibility, urgency, and hope forward in most everything I do. I am deeply grateful.”
“Erin radiates open-heartedness and a lightness of spirit that is essential to this work. She is inclusive, endlessly curious and quick to make connections. She’s also silly and funny, which puts you at ease. Her enthusiasm is contagious and I felt that all in our group felt safe to express themselves and the ideas, beliefs, experiences and depth of emotion that often go unspoken. It was a holding and inspirational space. As a result of my experience with this group, the light that has been burning within me is now brighter, having been fed by the light of others. I am filled with enthusiasm.”