Full Plane Passive House Video

Posted on Feb 6, 2015
Full Plane Passive House Video

The Full Plane Passive House was completed in 2012 and is a net-zero water and energy house. This video documents the landscape that was designed and installed for the house. [youtube_sc url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nQ0bX1-DTSc rel=0 fs=1 autohide=1 modestbranding=1 nocookie=1 title=Whitridge Full Plane House: Landscape loop=1]

Historical New York Newspapers

Posted on Feb 4, 2015
Historical New York Newspapers

Fulton Postcards is a quirky website that contains a searchable repository of historic newspapers published in New York State between 1795 and 2007. This collection is frequently updated and also includes a handful of U.S. newspapers outside of New York State.

Main Street Cold Spring, 1867

Posted on Feb 4, 2015
Main Street Cold Spring, 1867

This map, from the atlas New York and its Vicinity 1867 published by F. W. Beers, A. D. Ellis & G. C. Soulle in 1867, is a useful resource to determine land use and building ownership from the 19th century in Cold Spring and Nelsonville. This copy is available for purchase online at Historic Mapworks. […]

In the News: Off the Grid

Posted on Nov 11, 2014
In the News: Off the Grid

Timm believes the more practical approach to lessening the climate impacts of fossil fuels involves changes in development policy and patterns, more efficient heating and cooling technologies, and increased education about and awareness of the benefits of renewable energy. “It’s about reducing our energy demand,” he said. “We can reduce this demand with better insulating, […]